Category Archives for "Newsletter"

Recessions Create Opportunities

Merager Financial Solutions Boulder Colorado

Recessions Create Opportunities

Can this recession help your company?

  ~ July 2020 ~

Welcome to the Merager Financial Solutions LLC newsletter. We're so happy you are here! Each newsletter provides a wealth of knowledge and inspires business growth.

During unusual times such as these, it’s important to ask questions about your company so that you can make changes to survive and even thrive. Done well, many companies can change their products or services, so they satisfy the new needs of their existing customers or attract new customers. Better still, a company can create goodwill that creates a sales funnel when the economy improves.

1. What are your company’s strengths during normal times, and do they translate well now?
2. What products or services are especially needed during challenging economic times?
A thoughtful cash management strategy is critical as your company becomes 

1. Does your company experience the same headwinds during economic downturns?.
2. Is the pricing correct?


1. What are people looking for that your company can uniquely provide?
2. Are there strategic alliances that we can create to strengthen sales?

1. Would large marketing spend for name recognition propel the business forward?
2. Would a daily, free Tip of the Day create traction?
3. Is there a pivot, or change in focus, that would build a larger audience?

Overall Takeaway 

Create a fresh understanding of how new needs can be satisfied. Lessen fears, create comfort, make life easier, and create new wisdom for your customers.

Make more money and enjoy working on your business. Stop spinning your wheels doing financial work that you dislike. Let’s talk so you can reach your financial goals of growth and additional revenue.

We look forward to working with you, whether that’s a formal engagement or just a quick chat to solve one of your pressing issues.

​If you need assistance with anything we’ve discussed here, let’s talk so you can reach your financial goals, growth, and revenue. Spend your time doing what you do best and make more money by having us solve your most pressing financial issues.

Delegation is critical

Merager Financial Solutions Boulder Colorado

Delegation Is Critical

Maximize Your Efforts

  ~ June 2020 ~

Welcome to the Merager Financial Solutions LLC newsletter. We're so happy you are here! Each newsletter provides a wealth of knowledge and inspires business growth.

It is all so easy to get wrapped up in the need and high demand to cover all aspects of a company. Once we have a solid company, we need the confidence to fully embrace the larger market that clearly needs this same service or product. Often, we do not realize how important it is to have an effective team to delegate tasks in a company.

Focus on what you are good at


As business leaders, we often think we are good at every aspect of a company, that is not the case. One person cannot do it alone. Focus on growing your business by having a delegation process. Without delegation, your company’s success is limited.

1. Focus on the areas you are most durable and productive. Stop the cycle of feeling bogged down and frustrated.
2. Delegate tasks to those you trust and that are capable.
3. Set expectations.
4. ​Create a measure of accountability.
A thoughtful cash management strategy is critical as your company becomes 

Save Time

Time is a valuable resource that you cannot get back. Time profoundly affects your company’s success. Take more action and make more decisions by delegating.

1. Effective delegation allows you to focus on the core of the business and tasks you have the skill set to complete, therefore, saving you time.
2. Time is money! Invest in a good team that will complete tasks efficiently and in a timely matter.
3. Investing in a delegation process is not only an investment in your team but also your company's longevity.

Confidence can go a long way!


As each company grows, the type of confidence needed for success changes. You alone cannot carry the company on your shoulders. Let your team play an active role in your company’s success.

1. By delegating, you give your team more confidence.
2. Your team will begin to feel more valuable and allows them to show their capabilities.
3. Delegating helps the team be more engaged, allowing the team to be more invested in the company.

One Team
Delegating helps to lighten your workload and empowers the team to look forward to reaching goals. Encourage collective success. Allow the achievements to be shared by the team and not as an individual.

1. The team will look forward to achieving and crushing goals.
2. Collective success helps to promote staff camaraderie.
3. Building an effective team is a recipe for a successful business.

​If you need assistance with anything we’ve discussed here, let’s talk so you can reach your financial goals, growth, and revenue. Spend your time doing what you do best and make more money by having us solve your most pressing financial issues.

Planning During the Covid-19 Pandemic

Merager Financial Solutions Boulder Colorado

Planning During the Covid-19 Pandemic

It’s Like Before, Only Different

  ~ May 2020 ~

Welcome to the Merager Financial Solutions LLC newsletter. We're so happy you are here! Each newsletter provides a wealth of knowledge and inspires business growth.

If you’re a business leader, you have created success through all types of adversity and this current pandemic offers the same possibilities. Don’t despair. Use this as an opportunity to learn about yourself, your business, and the larger marketplace.

Remain Calm


1. Sophisticated investors know that the biggest wins are possible when the rest of the world is panicked and selling low before the market rebounds. Be a confident investor in your business.
2. Take advantage of the various government programs (Payroll Protection Program, Economic Injury Disaster Loan Emergency Advance, unemployment benefits for entrepreneurs, local low-interest loans, etc.) to keep revenue flowing into your business.
3. Remember that tax payments have been delayed to July 15, 2020, and many landlords are open to short-term rental terms that recognize these difficult times.
A thoughtful cash management strategy is critical as your company becomes 

Remember That This Will End

1. Human nature will never change, including through the worst disasters such as the present one.
2. Hold on to the knowledge that this is only temporary, and that people will again need your product or services once this crisis ends.
3. Think back to the last disaster and how easy it was to believe that the world as we know it would end. It didn’t end then and it won’t this time around.

Maximize Your Business’s Value


1. This is the time to remain flexible and creative in what you offer, so be willing to change how you deliver your product or services.
2. Think about business alliances that would help now and during future times when things are more back to normal.
3. Be prepared for the world to be changed when this is over. Keep yourself updated on news and trade publications to determine how you can best position your company for the new normal.

Create Community Goodwill and Awareness

1. Create explainer videos that provide solid content that proves your expertise and keeps you top-of-mind for opportunities that will present themselves once business starts moving again.
2. Keep yourself busy and align your company with a good cause by volunteering with a local nonprofit.
3. Send out a newsletter to your clients with helpful tips and tricks.

​If you need assistance with anything we’ve discussed here, let’s talk so you can reach your financial goals, growth, and revenue. Spend your time doing what you do best and make more money by having us solve your most pressing financial issues.

Thrive In Uncertain Times

Merager Financial Solutions Boulder Colorado

Thrive In Uncertain Times

Habits During Unpredictable Times

  ~ April 2020 ~

Welcome to the Merager Financial Solutions LLC newsletter. We're so happy you are here! Each newsletter provides a wealth of knowledge and inspires business growth.

Watch your spending!


A thoughtful cash management strategy is critical as your company becomes more complex and profitable. Keeping a close eye on your company’s short- and long-term opportunities often separates an industry’s successes and failures.

1. Plan for regular operational payments.
2. Research for available tax breaks.
3. Take advantage of discounts, special purchases, and business opportunities.
4. Create a plan to secure outside financing at the best terms.
A thoughtful cash management strategy is critical as your company becomes more complex 

Document, document, document.

Important documents should be immediately discoverable with little knowledge of any “system.” To create a system that keeps your company safe.

1. Have the supporting documentation for each disbursement (purchase order, disbursement approvals, receipts, signing authority, etc.).
2. Have supporting documentation for every contract that has been signed.
3. Have a filing system that is scalable, easily understood, and consistent.
4. Use an electronic filing system that either automatically or periodically backs up your data to an independent and off-site storage location.
5. For transparency, provide access to all necessary leadership.
6.  Scan paper documents into your electronic system.

Collect your earnings!


Many companies have a culture of seeing “work done” as the point that the invoice leaves the shop, but the only meaningful indicator is when the invoice is paid.

1. Monitor your accounts receivable reports.
2. Follow up anything that is not paid within 30 days by emailing a copy of the unpaid bill
3. Once a bill has aged 45-60 days, email the bill again and call the client to offer any assistance.
4. If a bill has aged more than ninety days without any outreach, a specific strategy needs to be implemented that removes all objections and creates a simple resolution for the client.

Cut costs!

Before resorting to downsizing, find ways to cut unnecessary costs.

1. Update pricing.
2. Search for government aid.
3. Furlough rather than layoff.

​If you need assistance with anything we’ve discussed here, let’s talk so you can reach your financial goals, growth, and revenue. Spend your time doing what you do best and make more money by having us solve your most pressing financial issues.

Keep More Money

Merager Financial Solutions Boulder Colorado

Keep More Money

Focus on what you do best!

  ~ March 2020 ~

Welcome to the Merager Financial Solutions LLC newsletter. We're so happy you are here! Each newsletter provides a wealth of knowledge and inspires business growth.

Here's a critical question: What's the one thing that can make 2020 the beginning of your company's best years?


I've worked with so many companies that are literally making a fortune, but don't see the desired growth in their profit margin. Why does this happen? As the leader of your company, you are really good at what you do. But like most leaders, you probably find yourself spending too much time on the internal aspects of your company, taking you away from what you really do best.

What I do best is I find opportunities for growth, increased profits, and reduce unnecessary spending. I take a deep dive into your company's financials to give you the critical information and planning support to reach your goals.

Strategic tips overlooked by most businesses

1. Make sure your invoice is paid within sixty days.
       - Once an invoice goes unpaid for sixty days, a client will question the company's professionalism and wonder if they actually want the money.

2. Get a professional payroll-processing company.
       - Paying a company to disburse your payroll and pay your taxes is a great money-saver.

3. Closely monitor your company's expense accounts and reimbursements.
       - Expense accounts can quickly get out of control and certain reimbursements can trigger an audit.

4. Make sure your bookkeeper has strategic oversight.
       - Not integrating your company's strategy into your books is a direct threat to your company's well-being.
       - Unreliable financials are the result of relying too heavily on accounting software.

5. Save money at year-end by creating financials that are optimized for your tax preparer.

6. Don't rely on your tax-preparation firm to identify operational problems and opportunities.

Also, don't forget to take care of yourself! A well-rested and focused business leader is a company's greatest asset.

I'd love to hear about your successes as you implement these tips.

​If you need assistance with anything we’ve discussed here, let’s talk so you can reach your financial goals, growth, and revenue. Spend your time doing what you do best and make more money by having us solve your most pressing financial issues.

Get a Budget Together NOW

Merager Financial Solutions Boulder Colorado

Get a Budget Together NOW

Stop flying in the dark!

  ~ January 2020 ~

Welcome to the Merager Financial Solutions LLC newsletter. We're so happy you are here! Each newsletter provides a wealth of knowledge and inspires business growth.

Resources are often underutilized and not working together.


It’s easy to waste time and money on underperforming products or services or not combining products into higher-revenue packages.

1. Find out the profitability of each product.
2. Create packages of products of unequal desirability that include a discount.
3. Eliminate underperforming products or services unless there is a clear path to profitability.

Knowing your cash position is essential.

Having a budget lets a business leader see their cash position in real-time, as well as what can be expected in future months.

1. Review your budget vs. actual results every month.
2. Find any new knowledge about the business and implement operational changes. 

You might have a huge sales promotion or annual cost.

Assuming that a healthy cash position now will continue into future months by mentally averaging monthly profitability, doesn’t take into account the natural volatility of revenue and expenses.

1. Track your major expenses to at least the month to manage cash flow.
2. Manage your sales promotions or advertising campaigns based on revenue.

You may want to pay yourself more based on future profitability.

The simple fact is that there is a special joy in creating a profitable business because it means that you’re offering the right product or service, and you have a keen insight into the marketplace.

1. Time any pay increases to begin during times of increasing profitability.
2. Assume that this increase in pay to you will be long-term and sustainable.
3. Make this decision with eyes wide-open so future opportunities won't be missed.

​If you need assistance with anything we’ve discussed here, let’s talk so you can reach your financial goals, growth, and revenue. Spend your time doing what you do best and make more money by having us solve your most pressing financial issues.

Exit Strategy for Success NOW

Merager Financial Solutions Boulder Colorado

Exit Strategy for Success NOW

  ~ November 2019 ~

Welcome to the Merager Financial Solutions LLC newsletter. We're so happy you are here! Each newsletter provides a wealth of knowledge and inspires business growth.

Create financials that match what you say in words.


A business leader will describe their business, and the bank or investors will verify that by reviewing the only true record of a business: the financials. Make sure they are optimized to tell the true story of your business.

1. Show each entity in your business.
2. Show each product or service in your business.
3. Have sufficient detail so there aren't any questions.
4. Clearly show profitability by market and product.

Document contracts and clients.

Investors, bankers, and buyers will need to verify that all of the contracts and other documents are in place so that they can reduce their risk.

1. Have a central location for document storage.
2. Be able to show that you have every contract at hand.
3. Have a copy of the employee manual and every employee contract, which may include non-compete clauses.
4. Have a copy of every worker’s tax documents.

Do you have individuals that make or break the business?

If there is a key person in the business that should leave the business will fail, the business has no value other than the sale of the business in pieces. Avoid this trap.

1. Document that a key person in the business has a successor.
2. Have non-compete clauses in key person employment contracts.
3. Create a documented business structure that avoids creating a key person.

Discover if a financial aspect of the business may change drastically over time.

For some businesses to remain valuable long-term, they need to stay at the same location. A rising rental market will affect profitability and the company’s eventual sale value.

1. Make sure that any long-term vendor contracts that will significantly increase in value are included in your financials.
2. Create a tax strategy so that depreciation and amortization are optimized for both current operations and that they are included in the final sales strategy.
3. Remain aware of the overall marketplace and the sustainability of each product and service.

​If you need assistance with anything we’ve discussed here, let’s talk so you can reach your financial goals, growth, and revenue. Spend your time doing what you do best and make more money by having us solve your most pressing financial issues.

Manage the Important Things

Merager Financial Solutions Boulder Colorado
Manage the Important Things

  ~ October 2019 ~

Welcome to the Merager Financial Solutions LLC newsletter. We're so happy you are here! Each newsletter provides a wealth of knowledge and inspires business growth.

Keep a close eye on your cash!


A thoughtful cash management strategy is critical as your company becomes more complex and profitable. Keeping a close eye on your company’s short- and long-term opportunities often separates an industry’s successes and failures.

1. Plan for regular operational payments.
2. Have sufficient cash during peak times.
3. Plan for capital projects, new product launches and new hires.
4. Take advantage of discounts, special purchases, and business opportunities.
5. Create a plan to secure outside financing at the best terms.
6. Plan to invest funds over long and short periods to maximize returns.

Ready for an audit? Are you protected from an embezzler?

To create a system that keeps your company safe, important documents should be immediately discoverable with little knowledge of any “system”.

1. Have the supporting documentation for each disbursement (purchase order, disbursement approvals, receipts, signing authority, etc.).
2. Have supporting documentation for every contract that has been signed.
3. ConsistentlyGet very organized people for clerical work (ask if they enjoy organizing their closet!) file legal documents such as deeds of trust and title for property.
4. Make sure that every record can be easily found.
5. Have a filing system that is scalable, easily understood, and consistent.
6. Use an electronic filing system that either automatically or periodically backs up your data to an independent and off-site storage location.
7. For transparency, provide access to all necessary leadership.
8. Make it a habit to always scan paper documents into your electronic system.

Collect all of the money you’ve earned!

Many companies have a culture of seeing “work done” as the point that the invoice leaves the shop, but the only meaningful indicator is when the invoice is paid.

1. Monitor your accounts receivable reports.
2. Follow up anything that is not paid within 30 days by emailing a copy of the unpaid bill.
3. Once a bill has aged 45-60 days, email the bill again and call the client to offer any assistance.
4. If a bill has aged more than ninety days without any outreach, a specific strategy needs to be implemented that removes all objections and creates a simple resolution for the client.
5. When creating your company’s budget, have a contra-asset account for bad debt that is reasonably close to the amount your company would write off each year (usually 2-5%).

Projects are how we make money!

A very powerful tool for any financial team to leverage for operations is clear and robust recording of project expenses and revenue. This type of recording helps leadership easily determine its return on investment (ROI). As important for management of that specific project, if managed very thoughtfully, each project can provide essential insight into future projects.

1. Create a project with business requirements, a review of expectations, identification of each required task and effort required, resource management, regular review with the client, and a clear close-out process.
2. Each project should be clearly defined for operational execution and financial results.
3. Have a regular meeting with the project manager and financial manager to review the results.
4. When creating the project, have a point where will company bail-out if profits, or revenue, stop meeting expectations.
5. Similarly, risks should be identified at the beginning of the project and reviewed at each project meeting.

If you need assistance with anything we’ve discussed here, let’s talk so you can reach your financial goals, growth, and revenue. Spend your time doing what you do best and make more money by having us solve your most pressing financial issues.


Merager Financial Solutions Boulder Colorado
Good Staff Makes the Best Things Happen!

  ~ September 2019 ~

Welcome to the Merager Financial Solutions LLC newsletter. We're so happy you are here! Each newsletter provides a wealth of knowledge and inspires business growth.



These are the people that know how to budget, create proper books, create powerful decision support tools, work with government agencies, get your people paid, avoid fines, and generally make your life happier. Remember, every small business must have bulletproof books for at least three years in order to have any chance of getting a business loan, outside investment, or to finally exit from the business.

1. They will have expert knowledge of the newest applications to reduce costs.
2. They will get you reports that allow you to make those critical decisions with confidence.
3. They will reduce your end-of-year tax preparation expense.
4. Companies like ours will create a system but give you real control over your company.

TAKEAWAY: Not having expert help risks missed financial goals, higher risk of negligence lawsuits and even catastrophic failures that lead to shutting the business down.


These are the people that will take care of your business on a daily basis and are providing the critical staff and client support. They have best practices to create marketing campaigns, create correct client billings, hire the best people, resolve HR issues, how to bring new employees into the company, how to manage your calendar, how to resolve internal issues, and so much more.

1. They should be trustworthy, coachable, and competent.
2. Get people specifically trained in for HR and marketing.
3. Get very organized people for clerical work (ask if they enjoy organizing their closet!).

TAKEAWAY: Untrained business leaders trying to do it all will spend far time more learning and making mistakes than it would ever cost to have a professional complete the work. Their cost of incompetence will appear in fines and bad decision-support reporting.


This critical work includes scheduling jobs, precise timing of new material orders, creating high-performing project management schedules, managing those projects once they are underway, scheduling deliveries, organizing stock, and all the other day-to-day activities.

1. Competence for many of these specialized jobs take years of training, so don't assume free software will create an in-house expert.
2. Make sure there is integration with all of your operational controls and software, where possible.
3. Having detail-oriented people in these positions is critical.

TAKEAWAY: The more complex your operation, the more it is to have skilled and sophisticated operations staff. Awareness of so many theories, including queueing, scheduling, and defect tolerance will save untold headaches and financial losses.


Management is one of those skills that seems effortless, and frankly, a waste of company resources until an incompetent person is placed in charge. Once a company becomes large enough, a wise leader will bring in bright, thoughtful people who can accelerate existing growth and bring new insight into the company vision.

1. Have a diverse management team, both with skills and professional backgrounds.
2. Have someone who can competently manage outside legal counsel.

TAKEAWAY: Everyone thinks they can be a manager. It's only once somebody has been a manager that they fully appreciate the massive complexity of pulling an organization together and making sure it is moving in the right direction. Get people that are smart, able to understand what's going on inside the company as well as outside the company, have the strongest integrity, and believe strongly in the company mission.

If you need assistance with anything we’ve discussed here, let’s talk so you can reach your financial goals, growth, and revenue. Spend your time doing what you do best and make more money by having us solve your most pressing financial issues.

Ideal Characteristics of a High-Value Company

Merager Financial Solutions Boulder Colorado
Ideal Characteristics of a High-Value Company

  ~ August 2019 ~

Welcome to the Merager Financial Solutions LLC newsletter. We're so happy you are here! Each newsletter provides a wealth of knowledge and inspires business growth.



Senior management should be leading the effort to have the following items in place well before an investment pitch (hint: a company should be run as if an investment, or exit, is right around the corner):

1. Professionally Prepared Financials and Tax Returns: Consistent with GAAP standards.
2. Clean and Accurate Financial Records: No questions are raised upon closer inspection.
3. Healthy Balance Sheet: No ticking time bombs.

4. Intellectual Property Protected: Make sure the IP can’t walk out the door.

TAKEAWAY: Any reasonably sophisticated investor or bank will require at least three years of solid financials and expect them to match the investment pitch. Also, engage capable attorneys to ensure that all-important intellectual property is protected so it can be added to the balance sheet as a long-term asset.


A competent COO will naturally have the following in place, but during an investment round, making sure that these assets are secure is critical:

1. Capable Staff in Place: For large companies, this is the C-level management.
2. Current Technology in Place: The technology should be both current and scalable.
3. Assets: Clean titles on assets that are also in good working condition.

TAKEAWAY: Build a business that values long-serving staff, where investing in the best forward-looking technology is the norm, and that title to company assets (capital assets, machinery, vehicles, etc.) are fully documented and insured.


Document either that customers are loyal over time or that transient customers are rapidly replaced by new transient customers.

1. Diverse Customer Base: This provides some assurance that the loss of a specific demographic won’t adversely affect the business.
2. Increasing Sales and Profits: The presumption is that the product or service has an increasing value, which is often due to more customers becoming aware of the offering.
3. Business Relationships Transferable and Documented: A company whose main source of value is their customer base must make assurances that the customers will remain with the newly-sold company.

TAKEAWAY: A company only has value if someone wants to buy its product or service, so demonstrating that the customer base is secure, even with a change external to the company, is critical to document long-term value.


For growing businesses, the founder is very often central to the operation and the most valuable asset of the company. For a company to achieve its greatest value, it should minimize any question about whether the company will continue at the same pace without their presence, or that the founder will stay on in a limited role for a set amount of time.

1. Seller Realistic About Sales Terms and Timeframe: A “hopeful” seller will often sabotage the sale.
2. Seller Able To Maintain or Improve Business Value During Sales Process: The buyer wants assurances that any sales and revenue trends are fully transferrable.
3. Seller Motivated To Sell: If the seller isn’t all-in to make the sale, then they should consider waiting until they are more committed.
4. Business Not Reliant On Seller: If a company’s owner is also one of its greatest assets, selling the company becomes almost impossible if a successful sale mean the owner will be walking out the door.

TAKEAWAY: A buyer of a business is buying a revenue stream, and the more assurances they have that the revenue will remain as expected will drive up the sales price.

If you need assistance with anything we’ve discussed here, let’s talk so you can reach your financial goals, growth, and revenue. Spend your time doing what you do best and make more money by having us solve your most pressing financial issues.